While the public accepts the MCO 3.0 as unavoidable because of the alarming rise in Covid cases, the silliness and pettiness of the SoPs and the way these are enforced on the ground makes the whole exercise a source of anger and ridicule. In the end, the public will just lose confidence on the govt’s ability to overcome the Covid crisis. Malaysians will worry if there is another lockdown after June14 whether it will serve the purpose. Sheriff

The post While the public accepts the MCO 3.0 as unavoidable because of the alarming rise in Covid cases, the silliness and pettiness of the SoPs and the way these are enforced on the ground makes the whole exercise a source of anger and ridicule. In the end, the public will just lose confidence on the govt’s ability to overcome the Covid crisis. Malaysians will worry if there is another lockdown after June14 whether it will serve the purpose. Sheriff appeared first on STEADYAKU47 | OFFICIAL BLOG.


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